Listing of Messages from the ASCM Quad Cities Chapter President
ASCM Quad Cities Chapter President's Corner: 27September2021
I hope you had a great summer! It's the start of our 2021-2022 Program year!!
Just a Reminder: as of 01Jan2021, we have become the Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) Quad Cities Chapter. Our board members continue to WELCOME the boards and members from the APICS South-Eastern Iowa chapter and the APICS Cedar Valley Iowa chapter. We are interested in learning about the challenges and successes that these chapters, members and others have experienced and benefited from during the past few years. This will help us to develop classes, education and experiences that will be valued by our combined groups, future members and other professionals in the "end to end supply chain community".
Please feel free to contact me with ideas, feedback and suggestions as we continue to move forward at or 309-235-0889.
Board Member Opportunities:
We need three more board members and some team members to work with the board. We are looking for a person to be Vice President, one to be Programs and one to work with the Student Chapters. We are also looking for team members that would like to get involved in some of the activities and initiatives of the board. If you are interested in any of these positions, or know of someone who may be interested, or just want to learn what may be involved as a board member or team member, please contact Mike Bailey at or call 309-235-0889.
Programs/Events: Our plans for Programs and Tours will continue to be mostly "virtual" or "hybrid" so that we can include more of the Easter Iowa members and interested people, as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to face-to-face meetings and tours, when they become possible. We are firming up the future meetings and tours and will keep you informed as plans become finalized. They are usually held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. If you have ideas for topics, speakers and or tours, please send them to me. Here is our tentative PDM/Tour plan:
- 20Oct21: Presentation on the I74 Mississippi River Bridge Project.
- 17Nov21: Presentation or Tour - TBD
- 15Dec21: Holiday Event with Presentation on Economic Look into 2022.
- 19Jan22: Presentation or Tour - TBD
We have completed CPIM certification review classes during the summer and are continuing this fall.
We continue to expand our education opportunities and certification review classes for the rest of the calendar year. In fact, we are prepared to offer both Instructor led virtual and face-to-face class formats for our 3 certifications:
- CPIM: Certified in Production and Inventory Management
- CSCP: Certified Supply Chain Professional
- CLTD: Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution
We are exploring the interest in our area that includes Eastern Iowa for the "Principles" courses and possible customization opportunities.
We are working to determine possible demand, locations and types of classes for the next 6 months. If you have a need, interest or questions about any of these, please contact Sofia Ortiz 309-765-4559, or Mike Bailey This will guide our efforts and solutions.Me a Guest Instructor/Speaker?
As we continue to broaden and deepen our relationships with regional colleges and universities, such as Black Hawk College, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges, St. Ambrose University, Western Illinois University and a few others, we are finding opportunities for our members and professionals to possibly become guest lecturers, specific topic guest speakers, or other opportunities to become involved with the students and share our knowledge and experiences. If you are interested or would like to learn more, please contact Mike Bailey at or cell: 309-235-0889, or Sofia Ortiz 309-765-4559. We will work with the various schools and offer up this valuable resource(s) for the upcoming school year.
Marketing & Communications
Linda Fonkoue is the board member leading our Marketing & Communications efforts. We are completing updates and improvements to our website, communications, social media presence and other related activities. We are working to update our content to better meet your current and future needs. Please provide feedback and ideas to help us improve. You will see, and we will announce the improvements very soon.
Note: Is the President’s Corner is meeting your needs? Suggestions for improvement? I am interested in your feedback. Please let me know.
Michael A. Bailey, ASCM Quad Cities Chapter, President
ASCM Quad Cities Chapter President's Corner: 24January2021
It's a NEW YEAR!!
Some changes and plenty of challenges and opportunities...that we can turn into successes!
As of 01Jan2021, we have become the Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) Quad Cities Chapter. As most of you know by now, the former APICS Chapters have transitioned to ASCM Chapters, ASCM Professional Forums, ASCM For-Profit Partners or encouraged to join one of these types of organizations.
In fact, we are happy to WELCOME the boards and members from the South-Eastern Iowa chapter and the Cedar Valley Iowa chapter. Our board members are interested in learning about the challenges and successes that these chapters, members and others have experienced and benefited from during the past few years. This will help us to develop classes, education and experiences that will be valued by our combined groups, future members and other professionals in the "end to end supply chain community".
Please feel free to contact me with ideas, feedback and suggestions as we move forward at or 309-235-0889.
Programs/Events: Our plans for Programs and Tours will continue to be mostly "virtual" as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to face-to-face meetings and tours, when they become possible.
- Our 20Jan21 program was a virtual tour of the Mississippi River Distilling Company and "Tasting" Event. Ryan Burchett, the owner, did an excellent job of leading us through the facility, operations, supply chain and logistics of their business. This included "war stories" that provided us with greater insights into their recent challenges and successes in the past 12 months. Then we were led through an explanation and tasting of 5 of their products. Those that participated via Google Meet, had plenty of questions and received good answers. A nice success for our first virtual tour.
- 17Feb21: Operations Rules. Scot Johnson will lead us through an overview and discussion of David Simchi-Levi's book on operations.
- 17Mar21: Diversity in the Supply Chain Field, Carl Erwin - Presentation and discussion
- 21Apr21: Healthcare Supply Chain During (and After) COVID-19, Lisa Rogalski, Operations Manager, Genesis Health Systems
- 19May21: Presentation or Tour - TBD
ASCM/APICS Quad Cities Chapter End of Year Survey 2020
On 11Jan2021, a survey was sent to all of our members and distribution list. As we work to do more of what works, learn about what we can do better and consider new ideas that meet or exceed your expectations, we are requesting your feedback and input for upcoming programs, tours and events. Please complete and return the survey. We really value your input.
Board Member Opportunities:
We need two more board members and some team members to work with the board. We are looking for a person to be Vice President and one to backup the Treasurer. We are also looking for team members that would like to get involved in some of the activities and initiatives of the board. If you are interested in either of these positions, or know of someone who may be interested, or just want to learn what may be involved as a board member or team member, please contact Mike Bailey at or call 309-235-0889.
We had a good fall with certification review classes completed for CPIM and CSCP.
We are continuing to expand our education opportunities and certification review classes for the calendar year, In fact, we are prepared to offer both Instructor led virtual and face-to-face class formats for our 3 certifications:
- CPIM: Certified in Production and Inventory Management
- CSCP: Certified Supply Chain Professional
- CLTD: Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution
Me a Guest Instructor/Speaker?
As we continue to broaden and deepen our relationships with regional colleges and universities, such as Black Hawk College, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges, St. Ambrose University, Western Illinois University and a few others, we are finding opportunities for our members and professionals to possibly become guest lecturers, specific topic guest speakers, or other opportunities to become involved with the students and share our knowledge and experiences. If you are interested or would like to learn more, please contact Mike Bailey at or cell: 309-235-0889, or Sofia Ortiz 309-765-4559. We will work with the various schools and offer up this valuable resource(s) for the upcoming school year.
Marketing & Communications
Linda Fonkoue is the board member leading our Marketing & Communications efforts. We are completing updates and improvements to our website, communications, social media presence and other related activities. We are working to update our content to better meet your current and future needs. Please provide feedback and ideas to help us improve. You will see, and we will announce the improvements very soon.
Note: Is the President’s Corner is meeting your needs? Suggestions for improvement? I am interested in your feedback. Please let me know.
Michael A. Bailey, ASCM Quad Cities Chapter, President